Great Fermentations, Bryan Johnson - OLD A RECIPE FOR DELICIOUSNESS USING FRESH HOPS: WET HOPPED PALE ALE Harvest time is here, and hop cones are plentiful on the vine! Wet, fresh hops are a bit of a different beast than commercially-available pellet whole hop cones. Their water content adds to their weig... Aug 12, 2021
Great Fermentations, Bryan Johnson - OLD DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIQUID YEAST AND DRY YEAST Traditionally, there have been more yeast strains available to homebrewers as liquid strains than dry, so you were able to get a more specific flavor profile from a liquid yeast strain than a dry one.... May 25, 2021
Great Fermentations, Bryan Johnson - OLD VIKING #YEASTSCREAMCONTEST Here at Great Fermentations, we've brewed a ton of beer and have always added yeast to our wort, placed the airlock, and called it a day. WHO KNEW though that we were missing a crucial step in this pr... Jan 11, 2021
Great Fermentations, Bryan Johnson - OLD NEW ENGLAND IPA BREWING MUSTS: THE RIGHT WATER PROFILE AND MINIMIZING OXYGEN Recently we launched an exciting new beer kit here at Great Fermentations - Dumpster Fire IPA. It is a New England Style hazy & juicy IPA and is our biggest and most ambitious IPA to date. As an aside... Dec 24, 2020
Great Fermentations, Bryan Johnson - OLD BREWING WITH SMOKED MALT By Lindsay Perdue So what would you do with Smoked Malts? Good question. Over here at Great Fermentations, we are getting excited about brewing with smoked malts. If you haven't taken stock of our off... Dec 4, 2020
Great Fermentations, Bryan Johnson - OLD is star san foam bad for my homebrew? Have you ever used Star San for sanitizing your brewing equipment? If you have, then you know it is an effective sanitizer AND that it also has the propensity to foam. Actually, the last part would be... Apr 24, 2019
Great Fermentations, Bryan Johnson - OLD GLASS VS PLASTIC: ARE GLASS CARBOYS REALLY BETTER THAN PLASTIC? This is one of the topics we tackle quite a lot at Great Fermentations. Glass vs plastic carboys: which one is better? Glass carboys are impermeable to oxygen, easy to clean, don't scratch, and lasts ... Apr 3, 2019
Great Fermentations, Bryan Johnson - OLD BREAK FREE AND CREATE YOUR OWN BEER STYLE Hello Fermentation-ists! Bryan here from Great Fermentations. I was recently working on our annual Fall Newsletter for 2018 , and I found myself stuck on what to write. At the time of writing the news... Oct 23, 2018
Great Fermentations, Bryan Johnson - OLD 5 BENEFITS TO SWITCHING FROM EXTRACT TO ALL GRAIN BREWING WITH BREW IN A BAG Hello everybody! Wes here. Our customer and friend, Trey, made the following blog post for us about switching from extract to all grain brewing using the Brew in a Bag (BIAB) technique. Check it out b... Sep 18, 2018
Great Fermentations, Bryan Johnson - OLD AFTERBURNER PEPPER ALE RECIPE Greetings, and welcome to another Recipe of the Month blog post! This month, we will be looking at making a pepper ale with just a little heat on the back end that I like to call Afterburner Pepper Al... Oct 16, 2017
Great Fermentations, Bryan Johnson - OLD NOT RED'S APPLE ALE RECIPE These days, apple ales are a dime a dozen, and finding one that hits the flavor you are looking for can be quite a challenge. It's a delicate balance trying to get enough apple character without makin... Aug 29, 2017
Great Fermentations, Bryan Johnson - OLD BREWING THE DREAMSICLE CREAM ALE: CREATOR JEREMY'S PROCESS Every year at Great Fermentations, we do an event called Big Brew Day on National Homebrew Day. It is basically a big brewing party in the parking lot, with classes and sessions going on inside. This ... Jun 6, 2017